
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Best in Children's Books Vol. 21

Best in Children's Books Vol. 21 Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hamilton Williamson, Christopher Morley, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, Lena Barksdale, Sanford Tousey, Margery Bianco, and Jerome Leavitt
Illustrated by Colleen Browning, Feodor Rojankovsky, Barbara Cooney, Lawrence Beall Smith, Andy Warhol, Ray Houlihan, Phoebe Erickson, and Harvey Weiss
Nelson Doubleday, 1959
160 Pp.
Small hardcover

Stories include The Winged Horse: Pegasus, Lion Cub, Animal Crackers and Other Poems, Rapunzel, Milly and Her Dogs, The Magic Porridge Pot, Bob and the Railroad, Exploring Caves, Rabbits as Pets, The True Book of Tools for Building, and Let's Visit Bermuda.

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