
Wednesday, March 20, 2013


by Perrault
Retold by Doris L Miller
Illustrated by Pablo Ramirez
The World Publishing Company, 1965
32 Pp.

My son's description:
It's a cool book. I like the ending the most though.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ideas For Tomorrow Cook Book

Rural Gravure Service, 1972
32 Pp.
Small booklet

This is the most adorable cooking booklet I've ever seen!  I love the illustrations and there's an illustration on every few pages.  This booklet was completely sponsored by corporate baking goods suppliers like Blue Bonnet Margarine and Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Clabber Girl the Healthy Baking Powder

Hulman & Co, 1931
12 Pp.
Digest sized pamphlet

"Gives Appetite To All!" An adorable vintage cooking guide!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Where Is Everybody?

Story and pictures by Remy Charlip
Scholastic Book Services, 1966
48 Pp.

My son's description: 
It's a cool book that draws what it writes. Then it asks where things went as it hides them.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Busy Baby Lion

Story by Lucienne Erville
Pictures by Rik Jottier
Translated by Miriam Lear
Wonder Books, 1959
20 Pp.
Small hardcover

My son's description: 
A baby lion tries to have stripes like a tiger but ends up having them painted on by a monkey. Really funny!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Delicious Recipes 37 Delightful Breads and Some Cakes

The Fleischmann Company, 1920s (?)
46 Pp.
Small pamphlet

Oh, the glamorous world of bread! With such chapters as Twelve Breads the Clever Hostess Serves; Easily becomes rolls and biscuits; The magic touch that makes bread buns; Muffins, griddle cakes, waffles, and donuts are BREAD too; and Breads that masquerade as CAKES, this booklet is guaranteed to please your favorite carb-a-holic!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Sleepy Puppy a Golden Tell-a-Tale Book

Written by Mary Jo Chamberlin
Illustrated by Florence Sarah Winship
Western Publishing, 1961
28 Pp.
Small hardcover

My son's description: A very sleepy puppy stays asleep for more than half the story. Then, finally, at the end of the story he wakes up!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mailman Mike a Rand McNally Junior Elf Book

Written by Mabel Watts
Illustrated by Jean Tamburine
Rand McNally, 1959
32 Pp.
Small hardcover

Follow the mailman around!  Adorable illustrations.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Best in Children's Books Vol. 7

Written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Zhenya and Jan Gay, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, Johnny Gruelle, Donald Culross Peattie, Joseph Leeming, and Emma Brock
Illustrated by Edward Shenton, Richard Scarry, Phoebe Erickson, Colleen Browning, Fyodor Rojankovsky, Andy Warhol, and Polly Jackson
Nelson Doubleday, 1958
160 Pp.
Small hardcover

Stories include Hiawatha, Little Red Riding Hood, The Shire Colt, The Gallant Tailor, Doctor Raggedy Andy, The Story of the First Men, Homemade Orchestra, Life in the Everglades, Robi and Hanni in the Swiss Alps, and Let's Visit Japan

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Best in Children's Books Vol 5

Written by Andrew Lang, Jean de Brunhoff, Eugene Field, Mary Elting, Alice Salaff, Smith Burnham, Addison Webb, and Maj Lindman
Illustrated by Aldren Watson, Adrienne Adams, Ninon, Andy Warhol, Edward Shenton, Sabra Mallett Kimball, Virginia Parsons, 
Nelson Doubleday, 1957
160 Pp.
Small hardcover

Stories include Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, The Travels of Babar, Wynken Blynken and Nod and The Sugar-Plum Tree, Little Known Mammals, Trucks Are Fun, Funny Words and Riddles, Daniel boone, Birds Build Their Homes, Snipp Snapp Snurr and the Red Shoes, This is England

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Best in Children's Books Vol. 21

Best in Children's Books Vol. 21 Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hamilton Williamson, Christopher Morley, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, Lena Barksdale, Sanford Tousey, Margery Bianco, and Jerome Leavitt
Illustrated by Colleen Browning, Feodor Rojankovsky, Barbara Cooney, Lawrence Beall Smith, Andy Warhol, Ray Houlihan, Phoebe Erickson, and Harvey Weiss
Nelson Doubleday, 1959
160 Pp.
Small hardcover

Stories include The Winged Horse: Pegasus, Lion Cub, Animal Crackers and Other Poems, Rapunzel, Milly and Her Dogs, The Magic Porridge Pot, Bob and the Railroad, Exploring Caves, Rabbits as Pets, The True Book of Tools for Building, and Let's Visit Bermuda.