
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Speedball Textbook

This book is full of fanciful writing and most of the pages show the strokes needed to make the letters.  

Hunt Manufacturing Company, 1972
96 Pp.

The Young Scientist: His Experiments and Hypotheses

Oh boy!  I love old science books.  And I especially love it when they're illustrated. 

Written by John Gabriel Navarra and Joseph Zafforoni
With many full-color illustrations
Harper & Row, 1972
Pp. 320
LC number: 78-118693
Hardcover textbook

Friday, March 30, 2012

A First Look At Seashells

I've always loved the ocean and I've always loved seashells.  And I think I want to use this book to make some nice seashell embroidery patterns. 

Written by Millicent E. Selsam and Joyce Hunt
Illustrated by Harriett Springer
Walker & Company, 1985
Pp. 32
ISBN: 0-8027-6503-3

Esquivel Exploring New Sounds in Stereo

I have this album on CD, but this cover is so beautiful that I had to have it as artwork around the house.  

Exploring New Sounds in Stereo

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Child's Guide to Freud

This book is so very much of its time!  It's a wry look at psychoanalysis and it's very clever.  And, of course, Darrow's illustrations are top-notch!  

Written by Louise Armstrong
Illustrated by Whitney Darrow, Jr. 
Simon & Schuster, 1963
Pp. 64
LC Number: 63-19910

The Moon: Our Neighboring World

This book makes me wish I could live on the moon!  Look how beautiful it is out there!  How disappointing it must have been to find out that the moon is barren!  Oh well.

Golden Library of Knowledge
Written by Otto Binder
Illustrated by George Solonevich
Golden Press, 1961
Pp. 54
LC Number: 61-5450
Medium sized hardcover

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easy Costumes You Don't Have to Sew

This is one of those books that could easily come out today!  It has lots of very useful costume ideas and I think I'm going to make my kids take some ideas from this book this year.  I predict a family of robots! 

Written by Goldie Taub Chernoff
Costumes designed and illustrated by Margaret A. Hartelius
Four Winds Press, 1975
Pp. 41
ISBN: 0-02-718230-4

The Bishop's Basset

Oh, this book is so sappy, but so wonderful!  And the photographs are great, too!  You should pick up a copy, because there aren't many left!

Written by Jessie O'Connell Gibbs
Essandess Special Editions, 1970
Pp. 60
ISBN: 671-10442-x
Medium sized hardcover

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Look, Mom, It's Growing: Kids Can Have Green Thumbs, Too

I picked this book because I love the simple instructions and the simple graphics.  It's from 1976, but it's just as useful today as it was then. 

Written by Ed Fink
Illustrated by Louise J Mueller
Countryside Books, 1976
Pp. 71
Large softcover

Elf Books Cinderella

I don't entirely know what to say about this book.  Cinderella is so, so, SO glamourous in this version!  The colors are beautiful, too.  

Edited by Katharine Lee Bates
Illustrated by Helen Endres, William Neebe, and Barbara Clyne
Rand McNally & Company, 1956
Small hardcover

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Earth: Maps and Globes

I picked this book for the illustrations and for the glimpse into life in 1967.  I'd love to make wrapping paper out of some of these pages, or just frame them to hang on my son's bedroom wall!  You can pick up your own copy

California State Series
Written by Amelia Martucci & Rex Malcolm
California State Dept. of Education, 1967
Pp. 94
Hardcover textbook.

CB Radio

This book teaches your young child how to use CB jargon!  It's pretty great.  Or it might make a good Father's Day present!   

Written by Edward Radlauer
Children's Press, 1978
Pp. 32
ISBN: 0-516-07468-7

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cross-stitched Card Table Cover with Poker Motif - Ace of Hearts

Oh my goodness! How this table cloth makes me wish I had a regular poker group! Oh, I'd need a proper folding card table, too! The stitches are lovely and uneven and inspirational. I think I'll take up cross stitch now, too. It looks so nice!

You can see more photos of this by clicking on the Flickr link above. You can purchase it here!